For a safer Groningen


BORG is een consortium gevormd door Oosterhoff en Koninklijke BAM Groep. BORG zet zich al enkele jaren intensief in voor de versterking van gebouwen in het Groningse aardbevingsgebied.

Oosterhoff brengt de kennis in van dochterbedrijven ingenieursbureau ABT, bbn adviseurs en abtWassenaar. De BAM-partners zijn BAM Bouw & Techniek en BAM Advies & Engineering dat samenwerkt met BAM Infraconsult. Daarnaast heeft BORG een samenwerkingsverband met de Nieuw-Zeelandse aardbevingsspecialist Holmes.

Via BORG bundelen we de gezamenlijke expertise en wenden deze aan voor een bijdrage aan een veiliger en leefbaar Groningen.

We achieve this with about 80 expterts and practically oriented professionals of regional, national and international descent. Together we work on complex tasks that require a great deal of thinking, innnovation and organizational capacity.

Within the earthquake file we take care of the entire reinforcement process. We also look at the opportunities and possibilities for making buildings more sustainable. The building owners and users are at the centre.


Mission and Vision

Het is onze missie om vanuit onze kennis en ervaring een significante bijdrage te leveren aan een veiliger Groningen door gebouwen beter bestand te maken tegen de gevolgen van aardbevingen.

Thogether we work on integrated, innovative solutions. Learning, improving and sharing knowledge play a key role in our work, as do efficiency and effectiveness. We can take care of the entire process from research up to and including delivery and maintenance of the buildings to be reinforced. We consider safety and quality of great importance and we place the users and owners at the centre.
By combining and deploying our knowledge and experience from all facets of reinforcement, we can provide engineering, project management, cost management, construction realization and aftercare. 

What do we do

With BORG we focus primarily on the reinforcement of utility buildings, such as schools, care institutions, Municipality buidlings, community halls and office buildings. However, in the meantime we have also seismically assessed several hunderd homes.

We have a special team that deals with the earthquake proofing of monuments. In addition to promoting safety, the preservation of the monuments in its original state is of great importance. We have developed a specific approach to achieve this.


Inspection and Analysis

In order to get a good picture of the construction and the structural condition of a building, we carry out an inspection. All necessary information is retrieved through the inspection in order to determine how the building is constructed and the condition the building is in. Based on hte inspection we make a total analysis of the building.

Reinforcement Advice

The seismic capacity of a building is calculated on the basis of inspection data and the analysis made. We also examinate which parts of the building need to be reinforced and how this can best be achieved.
We record this in the reinforcement advice.

Technical Design

We develop the reinforcement advice and any additional wishes of the residents and owners into a total design.
Advice on sustainability, building physics, flora and fauna can be included.
Our program mangers supervise the entire process. To ensure that the effect of the design fits in well with the implementation, our implementation specialists are closely involved in the design process.


We have our teams ready for the execution phase, where we implement the design.
With our managers, inspectors, engineers, implementers, carpenters and mechanical and technical engineers, we can carry out the complete realization. Current examlpes of this include the reinforcement of the Noorderpoort College in Delfzijl and the reinforcement of the Town Hall in Loppersum.

Knowledge development and sharing

We not only provide advice for strengthening of builidings, but we have acquired a great deal of knowledge and have used this to develop new analysis methods to speed up the strenghtening approach.

We actively share this knowledge with the other engineering firms and impelementing parties that work within the earthquake field. This is necessary because there is nog yet a lot of knowledge about the effects of gas extraction induced earthquakes, which are closer to the surface that natural earthquakes and which involve a specific type of vibration.
By sharing knowledge, generic, integrated and innovative solutions can be found quicker.


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    BORG B.V.

    Postbus 98
    9750 AB  HAREN